Monday, June 4, 2012

Tool #2


A few blogs that I have found to follow are: - This blog is about teaching in middle school. It links to several other blogs that would be useful. - this blog has several ideas for lessons. - this blog shows different lesson ideas.

I signed up for Diigo to add these links and others so that I can follow them from any computer.

The points that stood out to me the most in the commenting section was way to get others to post comments. A very logical way was to ask for comments. If you are leaving comments make them meaningful.

I believe that sharing my comments publicly is a good idea as it can help others. It is a reflection.

PLNs can be very useful in gathering ideas. It was interesting seeing what others have written.


  1. I hope this works Lori, because I have a huge headache!!

  2. Lory, you are on a roll. Great job!

  3. I liked the classroom management ideas in Finding Joy in 6th grade under the 6th grade math blogs. We should incorporate something like this next year.
