Friday, June 15, 2012

Additional Information

A colleague suggested using other site to create a word cloud.  She actually suggested, Tagxedo. I started looking into other sites and found image chef and created the following word cloud.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tool #11

My favorite tool would be google docs, wordle and wallwisher.  I learned more ways to used google docs within the classroom.  I knew of Wordle, but had never used it.  Wallwisher is a great source to reinforce prior lessons throughout the year.

My idea of learning in the classroom has changed in that I can incorporate technology on a regular bases and not for just projects.

I really enjoyed 11 Tools and I learned alot.  I have so many ideas for the upcoming year that I can not wait.  I look forward to seeing other teachers ideas.

Tool #10

3 things:

I want to teach my students about being safety on the internet, digital etiquette, and about not always believe everything on the internet (that they should check out what is said and find a reliable source).

Ed Tech:
On the Ed Tech website, I found Common Sense. On this website, you can select the grade and the topic you want to teach. They are lessons developed on this site that I can follow. It encourages discussion about their ideas. The site also several topics to pick from.

How would I teach:
- Review contract signed by parents and students regarding technology usage
-Discuss Digital Citizenship topics relating to netiquette, email, online harrassment, and avoiding plagiarism
-Post posters detailimg main points

I would send home a letter explaining what it is and what the consequences are if they are not followed. I would also have a handout to give them at open house as a reinforcement.

Tool #9

1. I think tying the technology to the lesson is important, so that the students are working on something meaningful and it is reinforcing what they need to learn.  This is another way to teach students what they need to learn and help them master the objective.

2. We should hold students accountable for what they are doing, so they are working on what they need to and not playing around.  If you let them they would sit around and talk or surf on the web were they are not suppose to.

3.  The 2 tools I looked at are Manipula Math and tutpup.

Manipula Math could be used during the Geometry objectives.  I could hold them accountable by having they students create a foldable with descriptions of they shape and characteristics.  This would reinforce the difference between the shapes.

tutpup could be used throughout the year. It works on basic math.  Students struggle with multiplying and dividing. Which is a concept they need to be proficient in to be successful in 6th grade math.  I could hold them accountable by having them complete on online quiz in google docs and check for improvement overtime.

4. Another way the students could use the ipads as a station is by using ScreenChomp and explain how to solve a problem by writing it out and recording it (for accountability).

Tool #8

I learned there are several uses within the classroom. One that I can see myself using is:

Select movies to view and again, hand them to groups of students. Then, have them use the iPad to write to a class blog or online course site, responding to discussion prompts.

Classroom Management:

1. Just like anything else in the classroom, I must set clear expectations and policies.

2. I will assign numbers to the devices and students.

3. I will assign jobs (who is to get the device before class starts). To save time and eliminate a mad rush to get them.

I am sure I have not covered everything....

Tool #7

Digital Projects
1. Content objective - finding the average 6th grader using mean, median and mode.
2. I plan to start collecting data starting the first 2 weeks of school
3. I plan to have the students create survey questions and then we could use google docs or edmodo to collect the data
4. Description: The first time we do the project, we will collect information from all 6th grade math students. Once we collect the information, each class then can take the information and figure out the mean, median, and mode of different categories and create graphs showing the data. From all the graphs created, each class can then interpret the data to determine the Average 6th grader.

To begin with, we will start local an stay with in the school. If successful, I would then take it to another school within the district.

Tool #6

I used Edmodo in class this past year. I did not have much success, but I did start it during the 2nd 9 weeks.  For the upcoming year, I plan on starting this during the first week and setting expectations.

I chose to use Wallwisher.  This would be a great place to post notes from class, vocabulary words, or examples.  It was easy to create.

I could allow the students to review the wall during warm up time.  

Tool #5

I selected to create an animoto video and a wordle.

My Animoto Video

The video took some time to pick out pictures, but it was easy to create.

Wordle - I have played around in the past with wordle, but never actually printed to image.  Using this would be a great way to create a word wall around the room.

I also tried Make Beliefs Comix!

I played around with Big Hugh Labs and created a Movie poster for an upcoming unit.  This would be a great way to create a poster for the class introducing the next topic.

Tool #4

I have used Google Docs in School, but never in the classroom.

I could see myself using this to create quizzes and test.  The students can work use it to work on group projects and submit them to me.

I plan on using Google Docs at the beginning of the year with all my classes to test their multiplication knowledge.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tool # 3

This video will help students with fraction operations.  They always seem to forget to make the denominator the same. This see this video as something that will help them remember.

Following Video was created by: Uploaded by jetstangs on Mar 26, 2009
The Jetstangs rap some lyrics to help people learn to use fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, etc.

I would use this video as a station they can use if they need help with the steps to order of operations.

This video is downloaded from Youtube created by Khan Academy.

On copyright and fair use: On fair use, I need to teach the students what to look for and where to look. You should always give credit to the person and the site.  If you use pictures, look for images that have been assigned for reuse.

I also created a Dropbox.  A Dropbox could be used in the classroom for student to put pictures they need printed for projects.  It could also be used for students to review videos on prior topics for review.

Overall, this was an interesting tool.  I learned how to insert videos into lessons (ie flipcharts, or blogs from You tube.)

Tool #2


A few blogs that I have found to follow are: - This blog is about teaching in middle school. It links to several other blogs that would be useful. - this blog has several ideas for lessons. - this blog shows different lesson ideas.

I signed up for Diigo to add these links and others so that I can follow them from any computer.

The points that stood out to me the most in the commenting section was way to get others to post comments. A very logical way was to ask for comments. If you are leaving comments make them meaningful.

I believe that sharing my comments publicly is a good idea as it can help others. It is a reflection.

PLNs can be very useful in gathering ideas. It was interesting seeing what others have written.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tool #1

Setting up my 11 Tools blog was easy. Especially with the how to videos.  Can not wait to get started....